Welcome to MBH! Compare Membership Plans

MBH Core

MBH is one of Manchester’s biggest and best business communities.

£250 per year*
£25 per month*

Make the most of your membership by having free access to our popular business networking events based in and around the Greater Manchester area, in fantastic venues such as Virgin Money, Mercure Hotel & Tesla!
Take advantage of our well attended events and have a go at speaking in front or our diverse audience of business professionals, influencers and organisations.
Join our ever-growing business directory of over 1000 businesses in the North West and be seen!
Once joined, we’ll shout out you and your businesses across our popular social media platforms and discuss the work you do to our followers.
Hiring? JIM – Jobs in Manchester have kindly offered all core members a free JIM job token annually, allowing you to post your job on their popular jobs board for free!
MBH All Access

MBH Premium is the best way to be seen in the Business Community.

£1000 per year*
£100 per month*

Make the most of your membership by having free access to our popular business networking events based in and around the Greater Manchester area, in fantastic venues such as Virgin Money, Mercure Hotel & Tesla!
At every business networking event we’ll reserve a slot for you to speak and this is unlimited throughout the year with a Premium membership. This is a great opportunity to be seen as we attract upwards of 40% new attendees at each event.
Get a prime position on our directory listing page, get seen the most and first!
Once joined, we’ll shout out you and your businesses across our popular social media platforms and discuss the work you do to our followers.
Hiring? JIM – Jobs in Manchester have kindly offered all Premium members 5 free JIM job tokens annually, allowing you to post your job on their popular jobs board for free! 5 JIM job tokens are worth £399!
Our networking events don’t just stop at business networking events, we also offer lively and casual networking socials in some of Manchester’s best hospitality venues such as The Alchemist, Banyan and The Fountain House. With the MBH premium membership these are completely free!
Flyers? Banners? Collection boxes? These are all welcome at our business networking events with our Premium membership.
Have a new service you are promoting? Are you trying to sell a product? Allow us to assist in your marketing campaigns by always supporting your social media posts, we will happily share, like and comment on your posts to help promote your business, gain followers and insights.
Greenlight Computers are offering half a day of IT support a year to all our Premium members, worth over £300!
Get a 25% discount on all luxury events

Just so you know, we never share personal information with anyone.  Only your business information is publicly available.
Your business or organisation should be in the M, SK, WA, WN, BL or OL postcode areas to join.

*Price excludes VAT
Please note:
For our ‘early adopters’ that benefitted from the free business listing when MBH began, there’s now a small £75 admin fee to make any amendments to your current listing. For members of MBH Core and MBH Premium this is free. For those of you that want to move over to our new membership plans please get in touch using our Contact Us form.

We’ll use the information on your website to complete your business listing.

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