Delhi House Cafe

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Delhi House Cafe | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 8343333

Unit 10
Corn Exchange
M4 3TR

  • Authentic Taste of Delhi
  • Cocktails and Mocktails

Delhi House Cafe

Delhi House Cafe | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 8343333

Unit 10
Corn Exchange
M4 3TR

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Sector: Bars & Restaurants

The Lamba family takes great pride and delight in welcoming you to Delhi House Cafe. Enjoy casual, traditional Indian dining in a welcoming environment that really strives to provide a ‘home from home’ feeling. Even the furniture, décor and tableware has all made a journey direct from Delhi to make your experience truly authentic! Take some time to look over the collection of personalities who have inspired the dream inside us.

Sector: Bars & Restaurants

The Lamba family takes great pride and delight in welcoming you to Delhi House Cafe. Enjoy casual, traditional Indian dining in a welcoming environment that really strives to provide a ‘home from home’ feeling. Even the furniture, décor and tableware has all made a journey direct from Delhi to make your experience truly authentic! Take some time to look over the collection of personalities who have inspired the dream inside us.