Reform Radio

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Reform Radio | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 806 0879

Bonded Warehouse
18 Lower Byrom St
M3 4AP

  • Multi-Award Winning
  • Local Creatives, DJs and Young People
  • Large Active Community
  • Recognised by Mixcloud
  • British Podcast Award Winning Production Company
  • Online Radio

Reform Radio

Reform Radio | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 806 0879

Bonded Warehouse
18 Lower Byrom St
M3 4AP

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Sector: Audio & Visual

In 2013 three friends Jemma, Rachel and Sam had an idea of using the rapidly growing online radio scene to engage and work with young people looking for employment. After self funding a pilot in which five young people created a world class radio show in just a week, they realised they actually needed a radio station to play it on. So in May 2014 they began broadcasting from the basement of the share house where they met, turning off the loud washing machine above during broadcasts and enticing DJs to play with Harty home cooked meals. Within the space of a year, the interest in artists and DJs wanting to do shows had outgrown the tiny basement and Reform needed a new space to expand into. This is where Reform Radio’s long standing relationship with Allied London began, with the developers offering up Coronation Street’s old dubbing suite in the heart of Old Granada Studios. Reform quickly began broadcasting 24/7 and was able to offer regular employment and training programmes to young people from Allied’s event space.

Sector: Audio & Visual

In 2013 three friends Jemma, Rachel and Sam had an idea of using the rapidly growing online radio scene to engage and work with young people looking for employment. After self funding a pilot in which five young people created a world class radio show in just a week, they realised they actually needed a radio station to play it on. So in May 2014 they began broadcasting from the basement of the share house where they met, turning off the loud washing machine above during broadcasts and enticing DJs to play with Harty home cooked meals. Within the space of a year, the interest in artists and DJs wanting to do shows had outgrown the tiny basement and Reform needed a new space to expand into. This is where Reform Radio’s long standing relationship with Allied London began, with the developers offering up Coronation Street’s old dubbing suite in the heart of Old Granada Studios. Reform quickly began broadcasting 24/7 and was able to offer regular employment and training programmes to young people from Allied’s event space.