Rosso Ristorante E Bar

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Rosso Ristorante | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 832 1400

43 Spring Gardens
City Centre
Manchester M2 2BG

  • Menu of Traditional and Contemporary Italian Favourites
  • Inspired by the Traditions of South Italy
  • Ambient Atmosphere
  • Exquisite Wines
  • Elegant Handcrafted Cocktails
  • Grandiose and Opulent Interior

Rosso Ristorante E Bar

Rosso Ristorante | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 832 1400

43 Spring Gardens
City Centre
Manchester M2 2BG

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Sector: Bars & Restaurants

Inspired by the deep traditions of Southern Italy, Rosso Restaurant invites you in and greets you with a warm embrace. An opulent, breathtaking interior housed by a resplendent Grade II listed building enshrines an unparalleled experience.

Sector: Bars & Restaurants

Inspired by the deep traditions of Southern Italy, Rosso Restaurant invites you in and greets you with a warm embrace. An opulent, breathtaking interior housed by a resplendent Grade II listed building enshrines an unparalleled experience.