JIM – Jobs in Manchester

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JIM - Jobs in Manchester
  • Token Based Job Posting
  • Promoting Job Vacancies
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Apply Direct to Employers
  • Sharing Vacancies on Social Media

JIM – Jobs in Manchester

JIM - Jobs in Manchester

Sector: Business Services

It’s hard for jobs to be visible to quality candidates. JIM – Jobs in Manchester offers a service to make your jobs more visible to the local community, It’s for Manchester based jobs for Manchester based people. The cost to promote a job is only (£99+VAT) as we’re not providing a recruitment service, we simply promote and attract candidates to your own recruitment process. We save organisations the cost of expensive recruitment campaigns by making jobs more visible quickly.

Sector: Business Services

It’s hard for jobs to be visible to quality candidates. JIM – Jobs in Manchester offers a service to make your jobs more visible to the local community, It’s for Manchester based jobs for Manchester based people. The cost to promote a job is only (£99+VAT) as we’re not providing a recruitment service, we simply promote and attract candidates to your own recruitment process. We save organisations the cost of expensive recruitment campaigns by making jobs more visible quickly.