Mancunian Way

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Mancunian Way | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

07825 854101

Circle Square & Affinity Living Site Offices
Brancaster Road
M1 7ED

  • Stay Safe – Youth Outreach
  • Change4Good – Homeless Employment
  • Salford Community Centre
  • We may be a charity, but we don’t do charity!

Mancunian Way

Mancunian Way | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

07825 854101

Circle Square & Affinity Living Site Offices, Brancaster Road. Manchester
M1 7ED

Sector: Young People & Homeless Charities

Mancunian Way are community engagement specialists. We were set up after the Manchester riots in the summer of 2011 to ensure that the next generation of Mancunians didn’t find themselves making the same mistakes as a small minority that went before.

We specialise in street based engagement, targeting individuals who don’t necessarily want to be engaged but are the most in need, whether this be disenfranchised young people in a park on a Friday evening, or vulnerable homeless individuals sat on street corners in the city centre.

Change4Good is an employment brokerage project aimed at securing employment opportunities for rough sleepers, former homeless individuals and those at risk of homelessness.

Manchester is the nation’s 2nd city and the heart of the Northern Powerhouse with employment opportunities galore; the secret is knowing where to look and having the confidence to speak to people you do not know.

Change4Good aims to bring together: employers who have vacancies, and unemployed individuals who just need a break and an opportunity to prove to themselves that they are valued members of society and have the necessary skills to contribute and earn a living.

Sector: Young People & Homeless Charities

Mancunian Way are community engagement specialists. We were set up after the Manchester riots in the summer of 2011 to ensure that the next generation of Mancunians didn’t find themselves making the same mistakes as a small minority that went before.

We specialise in street based engagement, targeting individuals who don’t necessarily want to be engaged but are the most in need, whether this be disenfranchised young people in a park on a Friday evening, or vulnerable homeless individuals sat on street corners in the city centre.

Change4Good is an employment brokerage project aimed at securing employment opportunities for rough sleepers, former homeless individuals and those at risk of homelessness.

Manchester is the nation’s 2nd city and the heart of the Northern Powerhouse with employment opportunities galore; the secret is knowing where to look and having the confidence to speak to people you do not know.

Change4Good aims to bring together: employers who have vacancies, and unemployed individuals who just need a break and an opportunity to prove to themselves that they are valued members of society and have the necessary skills to contribute and earn a living.