Salford Foundation Trust

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Salford Foundation Trust | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub
  • Charity
  • Fundraising
  • Grants

Salford Foundation Trust

Salford Foundation Trust | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

Sector: Children & Young People Charity

The Salford Foundation Trust is a grant giving charity that helps children and young people aged 5-25 years living in Salford to develop their hobbies, interests, skills and talents.
Limited family income is a barrier to opportunity and the main focus of the Trust is the removal of those barriers.

Sector: Children & Young People Charity

The Salford Foundation Trust is a grant giving charity that helps children and young people aged 5-25 years living in Salford to develop their hobbies, interests, skills and talents.
Limited family income is a barrier to opportunity and the main focus of the Trust is the removal of those barriers.