Private White V.C.

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Private White V.C. | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 834 3062

Cottenham House
1 Cottenham Ln
M3 7LJ

  • Handmade in Manchester
  • Luxury Clothing
  • Permanent Style
  • Lifetime Repair

Private White V.C.

Private White V.C. | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 834 3062

Cottenham House
1 Cottenham Ln
M3 7LJ

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Sector: Fashion

Private White V.C. is an iconic British menswear brand, committed to producing garments of the highest quality, all manufactured in its very own factory nestled in the heart of Manchester. Private Jack White was a true English gentleman and World War One military hero. Awarded the Victoria Cross in 1917, Private Jack White returned to Manchester as an apprentice at the factory which now carries his name, eventually becoming its owner.

Sector: Fashion

Private White V.C. is an iconic British menswear brand, committed to producing garments of the highest quality, all manufactured in its very own factory nestled in the heart of Manchester. Private Jack White was a true English gentleman and World War One military hero. Awarded the Victoria Cross in 1917, Private Jack White returned to Manchester as an apprentice at the factory which now carries his name, eventually becoming its owner.