Vic Elizabeth Turnbull

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Vic Elizabeth Turnbull
  • Podcasts
  • Marketing
  • Fundraising
  • Radio
  • Music
  • Events

Sector: Mentoring

Vic is an audio producer, music geek and fundraising and marketing consultant for good causes. She has thirteen year’s experience of working with national, award-winning youth charities and across the creative industries.

She’s a massive advocate of the power of informal learning, DIY approaches and pure talent as routes to success – with a big, fat passion for social mobility, and in turn it’s incredible strength to break down all sorts of barriers, from education and employment, to success in certain industries (oh, hello creative / arts / media world!).

Sector: Mentoring

Vic is an audio producer, music geek and fundraising and marketing consultant for good causes. She has thirteen year’s experience of working with national, award-winning youth charities and across the creative industries.

She’s a massive advocate of the power of informal learning, DIY approaches and pure talent as routes to success – with a big, fat passion for social mobility, and in turn it’s incredible strength to break down all sorts of barriers, from education and employment, to success in certain industries (oh, hello creative / arts / media world!).