Xyone Cyber Security

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  • CREST Certified Penetration Testing
  • ISO 27001 – Consultancy & Gap Analysis
  • PCI DSS – QSA, Penetration Testing & ASV Vulnerability Scanning
  • Managed Vulnerability Scanning
  • Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus Certification
  • GCHQ, Cyber Security & GDPR awareness training

Xyone Cyber Security


Sector: Cyber Security

In an evolving digital world, protecting information and the infrastructure and applications that support it are becoming increasingly challenging. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated while technologies such as mobile devices, cloud virtualisation, and collaborative tools create vulnerabilities and can leave businesses exposed.

A staggering number of organisations – large and small – have neither the knowledge nor the resources to ensure that their systems, information, processes, and people are protected in the changing threat landscape.

Xyone Cyber Security responds to this need by providing accessible and dynamic services that extend beyond technology to encompass people, culture, processes, and even the physical environment to make your business as resilient as possible against the threat of cyber attacks.

Sector: Cyber Security

In an evolving digital world, protecting information and the infrastructure and applications that support it are becoming increasingly challenging. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated while technologies such as mobile devices, cloud virtualisation, and collaborative tools create vulnerabilities and can leave businesses exposed.

A staggering number of organisations – large and small – have neither the knowledge nor the resources to ensure that their systems, information, processes, and people are protected in the changing threat landscape.

Xyone Cyber Security responds to this need by providing accessible and dynamic services that extend beyond technology to encompass people, culture, processes, and even the physical environment to make your business as resilient as possible against the threat of cyber attacks.